Was that your stomach growling? Did you
know that when
your stomach growls it means that your
metabolism has slowed
down dramatically? Don’t allow
yourself to get to that point!
Eat small healthy portions more often.
Going all day without eating will put
your body into storage mode. The body is quite extraordinary and has
systems in place to compensate for irregular eating patterns. When
you go three or more hours without eating the rate at which your body
burns calories slows down.
The reverse is also true. If the body
learns food is coming at regular intervals, then the metabolism will
speed up and burn calories at a more efficient rate. You will have
more energy and minimize muscle loss. Going long periods without
eating results in catabolism;The breakdown of muscle to be used for
energy. You body needs energy from some where. So, if you are not
eating, then the muscle is the last resort for energy supply. Why is
catabolism bad?... because lean healthy tissue burns fat at much
higher rates than body fat. Lean healthy muscle tissue is key to
being lean.
The best thing you can do is train your
body daily that food is coming on a regular basis. This means never
go more than 4 hours with out a small healthy meal. A participant in
my Toronto boot camp told me they would be big as a house if
they did that. Actually the opposite is true. Long periods of dieting
or limiting calories makes you MORE fat! Lean healthy muscle tissue
breaks down and fat stores will go up.
I'm not saying this is a license to go
crazy and eat 5000 calories as day. What I'm saying is, Take your
estimated calories target and divide it into 6 meals across the day
in stead of 3 meals. If you are not sure what your daily target
should be try a online calorie counter or contact me for you
Well that is it for today, If you like
this blog article there is more at my boot camp Toronto
Talk to you later.. Rob